Historic Detroit
Every building in Detroit has a story — we're here to share it
Buildings, Places and Landmarks
1001 Woodward
19395 Cumberland Way
19575 Stratford Road
19585 Stratford Road
19595 Stratford Road
35W Capitol Park Apartments
7300 Woodward
Abraham Lincoln statue
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Adams Theatre
Adolph F. Marschner House (2474 Iroquois)
Adolph N. Marion House (1023 Iroquois)
Albert A. Grinell House (294 E. Boston Blvd.)
Albert A. Rose House (511 Arden Park Blvd.)
Albert H. Finn House (660 Virginia Park)
Albert H. Steinbrecher House (31 Arden Park Blvd.)
Albert H. Zenner House (575 E. Boston Blvd.)
Albert J. Dunneback House (94 E. Boston Blvd.)
Albert S. Keen House (1038 Burns)
A. Lester Moncourt House (2243 Iroquois)
Alexander Blain Hospital
Alexander Chapoton House
Alexander Gage House (1744 Seminole)
Alexander Macomb Elementary
Alexander Macomb Monument
Alexander Sydney Ramage House
Alfred B. Moran House (2224 Seminole)
Alfred J. Fisher Mansion
Alfred M. Low House (1002 Seminole)
Alhambra Apartments
Alhambra Theatre
Allan Shelden House (2550 Iroquois)
Allen F. Edwards House (1032 Seminole)
All Saints Catholic Church
Alpheus Starkey Williams Monument
Ambassador Bridge
AMC Headquarters
A&M Coney Island Building
American Legion Hall
Andrew Jackson Intermediate
Andrew P. Biddle House (791 Seminole)
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory
Annex Theatre
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Arcadia Ballroom
Argonaut Building
Armin Darmstaetter House (345 Arden Park Blvd.)
Armon J. Fair House
Arthur D. Welton House (1401 Seminole)
Arthur J. Ashdown House (529 E. Boston Blvd.)
Arthur K. Barker House (1443 Seminole)
Arthur Kiefer House (1091 Seminole)
Arthur M. Buhl House (1116 Iroquois)
Arthur M. Pelletreau House (1424 Iroquois)
Art Stove Co. Building
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
Assumption Grotto Church
August P. Kling House (2130 Iroquois)
Austin E. Morey House
Avenue Theatre
Bagley Memorial Fountain
Bankers Trust Company Building
Barbour Intermediate School
Basso Building
Beck Building
Bedell Building
Belcrest Apartments
Belle Isle
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Athletic Pavilion
Belle Isle Band Pavilion
Belle Isle Bath House (first)
Belle Isle Bath House (second)
Belle Isle Bridge (old)
Belle Isle Casino
Belle Isle Casino (old)
Belle Isle Lighthouse
Belle Isle Pavilion
Belle Isle Police Station
Benjamin Middleditch House (1755 Burns)
Benjamin Siegel House
Bennett Building
Bernard G. Koether House (2508 Iroquois)
Bernard G. Koether House (2921 Burns)
Bernard G. Koether House (3452 Iroquois)
Bethel Community Transformation Center
Bethune Elementary
Biddle House
Bingley Fales House (1771 Seminole)
Birwood Wall
Bishop Mansion
Blenheim Apartments
Board of Commerce Building
Boeing House
Bonstelle Theatre
Book-Cadillac Hotel
Book Tower and Book Building
Bowles Building
Breitmeyer-Tobin Building
Brewster-Douglass Projects
Broderick Tower
Brodhead Naval Armory
Brown Brothers Building
Brunswick Hotel
B. Siegel
Buhl Building
Burgess Elementary School
Burnham S. Colburn House (1007 Burns)
Burns Hotel
Burt Elementary School
Byron F. Everitt House (90 Arden Park Boulevard)
Cadillac Chair
Cadillac Hotel
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Building
Cadillac Tower
Caleb M. East House (230 East Boston Boulevard)
Calvin Coolidge Elementary
Campau Realty Co. Building
Capitol Park Building
Capitol Square Building
Carhartt factory
Carl Schwekert House (1420 Seminole)
Carstens Elementary School
Cary Building
Caspar Hoffman House (3488 Burns)
Cass Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church
Cass Tech High School (old)
Cass Theatre
Cathedral Church of St. Paul
Cathedral of St. Anthony
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Central Baptist Church
Central United Methodist Church
Chancery Building
Charles A. Werner House (570 Arden Park Boulevard)
Charles B. Johnson House (2910 Iroquois)
Charles Burton House
Charles C. Hinchman House (1042 Seminole)
Charles F. Kettering High School
Charles F. Mellish House (1073 Iroquois)
Charles G. Lothrop House (1086 Burns)
Charles H. Fletcher House (2942 Burns)
Charles H. Heller House (2985 Iroquois)
Charles H. Shaw House (208 Arden Park Boulevard)
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History
Charles J. Butler House (1507 Iroquois)
Charles J. Clark House (971 Burns)
Charles Lang Freer House (71 East Ferry Avenue)
Charles Steinberg House (246 East Ferry Avenue)
Charles T. Bragg House (2955 Burns)
Charles T. Fisher Mansion
Charles Warren Pickell House (120 Virginia Park)
Charles W. Kotcher House (154 Arden Park Boulevard)
Charlevoix Hotel
C. Hayward Murphy House (1762 Iroquois)
Chester A. Souther House
Children's Free Hospital
Christ Church
Christian H. Hecker House (1763 Iroquois)
Christopher Columbus Monument
Chrysler Jefferson Avenue plant
Church of Our Father
Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Church of the Messiah
Citizens Building
City of Cleveland III
City of Detroit II
City of Detroit III
City of Toledo
Civic Theatre
Clairwood Apartments
Clarence F. Tollzien House
Clarence J. McLeod House (3435 Seminole)
Clarence M. Burton House
Clarence W. Banwell Home
Clifford Hotel
Clyde P Craine House
COGIC Brooks Cathedral Center
Coleman A. Young International Airport
Col. Frank J. Hecker House
Colin Fox House
College of Education Building
Colonial Apartments
Colony Club Building
Columbia Theatre
Comerica Bank Center
Comique Theatre
Continental Motors
Cooley High School
Cornelius N. Ray House (1072 Seminole)
Cornelius N. Ray House (1500 Seminole)
Coronado Apartments
COTS Peterboro
CPA Building
Crockett Technical School
Crosman Alternative High School
Crowley's Department Store
Daniel & Mabel Fisher House
David A. Brown House (60 East Boston Boulevard)
David O. Paige House
David Stott Building
David Whitney Building
Deaconess Hospital
Delos C. Gamble House (2211 Iroquois)
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club (first)
Detroit Boat Club (current)
Detroit Boat Club (first)
Detroit Boat Club (second)
Detroit Boat Club (third)
Detroit Club
Detroit College of Law
Detroit Cornice & Slate Co. Building
Detroiter Hotel
Detroit Fire Department Training School
Detroit Harbor Terminal Building
Detroit Historical Museum
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Life Building
Detroit Museum of Art
Detroit News Building
Detroit Opera House
Detroit Opera House (first)
Detroit Opera House (second)
Detroit Police Headquarters
Detroit Police Headquarters (old)
Detroit Press Building
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Savings Bank Building
Detroit Stock Exchange Building
Detroit Times Building
Detroit Towers
Detroit Trust Co. Building
Detroit Yacht Club
Deutsches Haus
Dime Building
D.J. Healy Co. Building
Donald Gargaro House
Donovan Building
Dorothy G. Turkel House
Douglas MacArthur Bridge
Dr. Andrew Biddle House (791 Seminole)
Dr. Angus McLean House (541 Arden Park Boulevard)
Dr. Francis Duffield House (1106 Seminole)
Dr. George Fay House (2253 Burns)
Dr. George Waldrek House (3030 Seminole)
Dr. Henry Vaughn House (2225 Burns)
Dr. H. Lee Simpson House (2494 Iroquois)
Dr. Howard C. Judd House (873 Iroquois)
Dr. W. Elisha Ellicott Tyson House (2108 Burns)
Dr. William E. Blogett House (2218 Iroquois)
Dr. William N. Harvey House (1479 Seminole)
Eastern States
Eastown Theatre
Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Eddystone Hotel
Edelweiss Cafe
Edison Memorial Fountain
Edmund R. Vier House (75 Arden Park Boulevard)
Edward Bland House (1049 Seminole)
Edward F. Bennett House (1446 Seminole)
Edward F. Fisher Mansion
Edward H. Doyle House (961 Burns)
Edward Jewett House (1053 Burns)
Edward Misch House
Edward N. Eisenberg House (1796 Burns)
Edward Roney House (3421 Burns)
Edwin A. Ludden House (2174 Seminole)
Edwin Denby High School
Electric Park
Elliott Building
El Tovar Apartments
Empire Building
Enoch Smith House (1517 Iroquois)
Ernest C. Kanzler House (2501 Iroquois)
Eugene Hatch House (1801 Iroquois)
Eureka Building
Fairbairn Hotel
Fairfax Hotel
Family Theatre
Farwell Building
Father Dowling Hall
Federal Building
Federal Reserve
Feld House
Ferguson Building
F. Howard Russ Jr. House (131 Arden Park Boulevard)
Fillmore Detroit
Film Exchange Building
Fine Arts Theatre
First Congregational Church
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church House
First National Building
First State Bank
First Unitarian Church
Fisher Administration Center
Fisher Arcade
Fisher Body 21
Fisher Body 37
Fisher Building
Floral Clock at Water Works Park
Foch Intermediate School
Ford Auditorium
Ford Building
Forest Arms
Fort Clark Hotel
Fort Pontchartrain Hotel
Fort Shelby Hotel
Fort Street Congregational Church
Fort Street Presbyterian Church
Fort Wayne Hotel
Foundation Hotel
Fowler Building
Fox Theatre
Fox Washington Theatre
Francis E. Brossy House (981 Burns)
Francis Parkman School
Frank C. McMath House (1037 Iroquois)
Frank C. Melin House (505 East Boston Boulevard)
Frank D. Forbush House (1501 Seminole)
Frank E. Kirby
Frank Gorman House
Frank G. Welbon House (2903 Seminole)
Frank H. Beard School
Frank J. Schmidt House (500 Arden Park Boulevard)
Frank P. Book House (2939 Iroquois)
Frank & Seder Building
Frank & Seder Co. Building
Fred C Thompson House
Frederick E. Smith House (2179 Seminole)
Frederick H. Andrus House (1012 Seminole)
Frederick H. Andrus House (1022 Seminole)
Frederick H. Andrus House (1429 Iroquois)
Frederick H. Holt House (250 East Boston Boulevard)
Frederick J. Fisher Mansion
Frederick K. Stearns House (8109 E. Jefferson)
Frederick L. Colby House (1059 Seminole)
Frederick M. Sibley House (1052 Burns)
Frederick T. DuCharme House (962 Burns)
Frederick T. Gies House (585 Arden Park Boulevard)
Frederick W. Kippel House (2233 Iroquois)
Frederick W. Sanders House
Free Press Building
Fritz Goebel House (1480 Seminole)
Fyfe Apartments
Gabriel Richard Building
Garfield Building
Garland Stove
Garrick Theatre
Gayety Theatre
G. Burt Gunderson House (1515 Seminole)
Gem Theatre Detroit
George A. Krentler House (3505 Iroquois)
George A. Owen House
George D. Bailey House (2945 Burns)
George E. Lawson House (1066 Burns)
George Headley House (82 King)
George H. Harms House (991 Burns)
George H. Koehler House (3417 Seminole)
George M. Holley House (2152 Burns)
George Prentiss House
George P. Warren House (1015 Seminole)
George R. Fink House (2415 Burns)
George W. Renehard House (300 Arden Park Boulevard)
George W. Sieberling House (2253 Iroquois)
G. H. Whitaker House
Gilbert W. Lee House (201 East Ferry Avenue)
Gleaners Temple
Globe Tobacco Building
Godfrey Hammel House (3060 Iroquois)
Goebel Brewery
Goeschel Building
G. Ogden Ellis House (2535 Iroquois)
Goodwill Community Chapel
Gordon-Pagel Bakery
Gotham Hotel
Grace Hospital
Grace Hospital Northwestern Branch
Grace Protestant Episcopal Church
Grand Army of the Republic Building
Grande Ballroom
Grand Quarters
Grand Riviera Theatre
Graphic Arts Building
Graystone Ballroom
Greater Buffalo
Greater Detroit
Greenfield Avenue Church of God
Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co. Building
Greyhound Bus Garage
Greyhound Terminal (first)
Greyhound Terminal (second)
Grinnell Brothers Music House
Griswold Hotel
Grosfield Building
Guardian Building
Guardian Detroit Bank (Brightmoor Branch)
Guido G. Behn House (3404 Iroquois)
Gustav Darmstaetter House (290 Arden Park Boulevard)
Gustavus D. Pope House (1040 Iroquois)
Guyton Elementary School
Hamlin Avenue Station
Hammond Building
Hannan Memorial YMCA
Hanneman Elementary School
Harmonie Club
Harold E. Brooke House (1432 Burns)
Harper Hospital (old)
Harpos Concert Theater
Harry B. Mason House (2184 Burns)
Harry B. Parker House
Harry C. Bulkley House (749 Seminole)
Harry C. Penny House (2116 Seminole)
Harry E. Hunt House (301 Arden Park Boulevard)
Harry H. Burr House (556 East Boston Boulevard)
Harry S. Pierson House (2530 Iroquois)
Harry W. Fauver House
Hartz Building
Harvey S. Durand House
Hazen S. Pingree Monument
H. Cleland Allison House (2163 Seminole)
Healy International Academy
Helen L. DeRoy Auditorium
Hellenic Museum of Michigan
Hemmeter Building
Henry A. Cleland House
Henry A. Haigh House (762 Seminole)
Henry Cowie House
Henry Ford Hospital
Henry J. Cupper House (2930 Burns)
Henry Kuhlman House (2543 Seminole)
Henry L. Walker House (1005 Iroquois)
Henry P. Baldwin II House (295 East Ferry Avenue)
Henry T. Ewald House (3456 Burns)
Henry W. Dakin House (1408 Seminole)
Herbert Armstrong House (1461 Burns)
Herbert J. Conn House (1411 Burns)
Herbert J. Conn House (1417 Seminole)
Herbert J. Conn House (1490 Iroquois)
Herman Darmstaetter House (115 Arden Park Boulevard)
Herman Kiefer Hospital
Herman School
Heyn's Department Store Building
Higginbotham School
High School of Commerce
Hilberry Theatre
Himelhoch's Building
Hinton E. Spalding House (251 East Boston Boulevard)
Hiram H. Walker House (1441 Burns)
Holcomb Elementary School
Hollywood Theatre
Holmes Building
Holy Family Roman Catholic Church
Holy Redeemer Parish
Homer S. Johnson House (301 East Boston Boulevard)
Home Savings Bank
Horace H. Rackham Educational Memorial Building
Hosmer Elementary
House of Providence
Howard A. Fisher Home
Howard B. Holden House (314 East Ferry Avenue)
Howard Flint Ink Co.
H. Stevens Gillespie House (2126 Seminole)
Hudson Hotel
Hudson Motor Car Co.
Hudson's Department Store
Hugh Chalmers House (1453 Iroquois)
Huntington Place
Hunt Street Station
Hupp Motor Car Co.
Hurlbut Memorial Gate
Hutchins Intermediate School
Hutzel Hospital
I.H. Nie House
Indian Village Manor Apartments
International Exposition Building
Iodent Building
Iroquois Avenue Christ Lutheran Church
Iroquois Avenue Christ Lutheran Church Parsonage (2435 Iroquois)
Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
Jacob C. Danziger House (1485 Burns)
Jacob C. Danziger House (2911 Iroquois)
Jacob Schaeffer House (3465 Burns)
Jacob Siegel House (51 West Boston Boulevard)
James Arthur House (210 East Boston Boulevard)
James B. Angell House (1470 Iroquois)
James Battle
James Burgess Book Jr. Mansion
James C. Buckley House (1053 Iroquois)
James D. Kennedy House (1475 Burns)
James D. May House (564 East Boston Boulevard)
James D. Standish Jr. House (3065 Iroquois)
James H. Finn House (1764 Seminole)
James J. Brady Monument
James McNamara House (2204 Seminole)
James Scott Memorial Fountain
James S. Rogers House (779 Seminole)
James T. Webber House (2475 Iroquois)
James V. D. Wilcox House (1444 Burns)
J. Brooks Jackson House (2450 Burns)
J. Chandler McLauchlin (1027 Seminole)
Jeanette M. Liggett House (2501 Burns)
Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church (second)
Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church (third)
J. Farrand Williams House (2405 Burns)
J. Farrand Williams House (2485 Burns)
J. Frazer Clark House (1751 Seminole)
J. Frazer Whitehead House (2474 Seminole)
J. Halsey McKown House (2954 Burns)
John A. Kunsky House
John C. Day House
John D. McKay House (1450 Iroquois)
John D. Sanders House (231 East Boston Bouelvard)
John F. Brush House (1410 Iroquois)
John F. Dodge House (75 East Boston Boulevard)
John F. McLaughlin House (638 East Boston Boulevard)
John J. Bagley Bust
John J. Bagley House
John J. Petz House (3515 Burns)
John Kay House (2924 Iroquois)
John K. King Books Building
John M. Donaldson House (251 Arden Park Boulevard)
John M. Hall House (351 East Boston Boulevard)
John Owen House (1411 Iroquois)
John Owen House (2430 Burns)
John Owen House (2460 Burns)
John R. Bodde House (3001 Seminole)
John Scott House
John Scott House (2)
John S. van Alstyne House
John Trost House (2151 Burns)
John Ward House
John W. Beaumont House (1090 Seminole)
Joseph F. Muer House (3401 Burns)
Joseph M. Ward House (2532 Seminole)
Joseph R. McLaughlin House (121 East Boston Boulevard)
J.T. Wing
Julius L. Knack House (3426 Iorquois)
Kaiser-Blair Building
Kales Building
Kean Apartments
King Solomon Baptist Church
Kresge Administration Building
Kresge Building
K.T. Keller House
La Choy Food Products
Lafayette Building
Lafer Brothers Building
Lane Bryant Building
Laredo Apartments
Lawrence P. Fisher Mansion
Lawyers Building
L.B. King Building
Lee B. Counselman House (1430 Seminole)
Lee, Cady & Smart Building
Lee Plaza
Leland Hotel
Lemuel W. Bowen House (5435 Woodward Ave.)
Lester Hotel
Levi L. Barbour Memorial Fountain
Liberty Theatre
Light Guard Armory
Light Infantry Armory
Lincoln Motor Co.
Little Rock Missionary Baptist Church
Lofts at Rivertown
Log Cabin at Palmer Park
Louis A. Peters House (1466 Seminole)
Louis A. Peters House (759 Seminole)
Louis Kamper Apartments
Louis Kamper House (2150 Iroquois)
Louis Miller House
Loyal Order of Moose Lodge
Luman Goodenough House (1705 Seminole)
Maccabees Building
Mackenzie Hall
Madison-Lenox Hotel
Madison Office Building
Madison Theatre Building
Majestic Building
Majestic Hotel
Majestic Theatre
Malcomson Building
Margaret T. Fisher Home
Margaret T. Fisher Mansion
Marine Hospital
Mariners Church
Marion Law Elementary
Maritime Monument
Maritn Borgman House (1457 Seminole)
Marquette Building
Marshall Elementary School
Martin S. Smith II House (863 Iroquois)
Marvin Stanton Home
Marygrove College Liberal Arts Building
Mary S. Smith House
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple (old)
Maurice A. Enggass House
Max Broock House (30 Arden Park Boulevard)
Max Jacob House (451 W. Kirby)
McFarlane School
McGregor Memorial Conference Center
McKerrow School
McPherson Browning House (2940 Iroquois)
Mera Hotel
Merchants Building
Mercier Building
Merrill Fountain
Metropole Building
Metropolitan Building
Metropolitan United Methodist Church
Meyer L. Prentis House
Michigan Central Railroad Depot
Michigan Central Station
Michigan State Capitol
Michigan Theatre
Miles Theatre
Milliken State Park Lighthouse
Mirton Briggs House
Mitchell Demery House
M.M. Rose School
Monnier Elementary School
Monteith Elementary School
Morgan Hotel
Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
Mrs. Annette I. Miller House (2435 Burns)
Mrs. Catherine Barnard House (1458 Burns)
Mrs. Mary Holland House (1111 Seminole)
Mrs. Sophia Breisacher House (1073 Seminole)
Mt. Royal Hotel
Municipal Court Building
Murphy-Telegraph Building
Music Hall
NABISCO factory
Nancy Brown Peace Carillon
Nathan Jenks House (1043 Burns)
National Theatre
Nativity of our Lord Church
Nels Michelson Mansion
Newberry Hall Apartments
Newberry & McMillan Building
Newcomb-Endicott Department Store
New Detroit Baths
New Elementary
Newlab at Michigan Central Building
New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Newsboys Fountain
Newton Annis House (2168 Burns)
Normandie Hotel
North American
Northern High School
North One Apartments
North West
Northwestern High School (old)
North Woodward Methodist Episcopal Church
Norton Hotel (first)
Norton Hotel (second)
Nuppenau House
Oakman Elementary School
Old City Hall
Old Main
Old Wayne County Building
Olympia Stadium
One Ford Place
One Woodward Avenue
Orchestra Hall
Orchestra Place Apartments
Oriental Hotel
Orla B. Taylor House (1725 Burns)
Ormund F. Hunt House (1517 Burns)
Orville H. McCornack House (3418 Iroquois)
Otto Schemansky & Sons
Our Lady of Sorrows Church
Our Lady of the Rosary
Owen Building
Packard Plant
Palmer Park Casino
Park Avenue Building
Park Avenue Hotel
Park Avenue House
Parker Elementary School
Park Shelton
Pasadena Apartments
Paul R. Gray House (1710 Seminole)
Pearson Wells House (2410 Burns)
Peninsular Stove Co.
Penobscot Building
Penobscot Building Annex
Penobscot Building (first)
People's Community Church
People's Outfitting Co. Building
Percy D. Dwight House (1012 Burns)
Percy Owen House (1791 Burns)
Percy Owen House (1811 Burns)
Pershing High School
Pewabic Pottery
Plaza Apartments
Pochelon Building
Polk Directory Building
Pontchartrain Hotel
Post Intermediate School
Princess Theatre
Puritan Machine Co.
Ralph E. Burnham House (2151 Seminole)
Ralph H. Booth House (315 Washington)
Ralph L. Aldrich House (1438 Iroquois)
Ralph Phelps House (1731 Seminole)
Ransom Gillis House
Rayl Building
Recreation Building
Redford Theatre
Reid Building
Renaissance Center
Richard B. Chase House (2240 Iroquois)
Richard H. Macauley House (2240 Seminole)
Richard H. Macauley House (270 East Ferry Avenue)
Richard H. Webber House (1483 Iroquois)
Richman Brothers Co. Store Building
Riverfront Apartments
River Place
Riverview Park
R. McClelland Brady House (1064 Iroquois)
Robert Craig Hupp House (1516 Iroquois)
Robert J. McLaughlin House (221 East Boston Boulevard)
Robert T. Herdegan House (2984 Iroquois)
Robert Traub House (211 Arden Park Blvd.)
Robert W. Smylie House (996 Burns)
Roger Margerum House
Roosevelt Hotel
Rosa L. Parks Freedom Chapel
Roscoe B. Jackson House (2505 Iroquois)
Royall T. Bates House (2918 Burns)
Rudolph J. Hirt House (3438 Iroquois)
Rufus Clark House (1427 Burns)
Rufus Goodell House (223 East Ferry Avenue)
Russell A. Alger Memorial Fountain
Russell House
Ruthruff School
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Saint Mary of Redford Parish School
Salvation Army Citadel
Sampson Elementary School
Samuel A. Sloman House (222 East Ferry Avenue)
Samuel Francis Smith Memorial Flagpole
Samuel J. Herman House (647 Arden Park Boulevard)
Samuel S. Harris House (771 Seminole)
San Telmo Cigar Manufacturing Company Plant No. 2
Savarine Hotel
Scovel Memorial Presbyterian Church
Sebastian S. Kresge Mansion
Second Avenue Presbyterian Church
Security Trust Building
Seward Hotel
Sheldon Noble House (2929 Burns)
Sherbrooke Apartments
Sherrill Elementary School
Shubert-Lafayette Theatre
Sibley House
Singer Building
Snyder House
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Somerset Apartments
South American
Southwest Hospital
Spanish Bell at Palmer Park
Spirit of Detroit
Spruce Log at Palmer Park
St. Agnes Catholic Church
St. Albertus Parish School
St. Albertus Roman Catholic Church
St. Aloysius Catholic Church
St. Aloysius Catholic Church (old)
Standard Accident Insurance Co. Building
Standish Backus House (1750 Iroquois)
St. Andrew’s Memorial Episcopal Church
Stanford T. Crapo House (776 Seminole)
Stanley Hong's Mannia Cafe
State Savings Bank
Statler Hotel
St. Augustine & St. Monica Catholic Church
St. Boniface Catholic Church
St. Casimir's Catholic Church (old)
St. Columba Episcopal Church
St. David's School
Ste. Anne Parish
Ste. Claire
Ste. Claire Hotel
St. Elizabeth Parish
Stephens Elementary
Stevens Building
Stevens T. Mason Monument
Stewart Elementary
St. Francis D'Assisi Catholic Church
St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
St. Hyacinth Roman Catholic Church
St. John Cantius Catholic Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Josaphat Catholic Church
St. Joseph Shrine
St. Louis the King Roman Catholic Church
St. Margaret Mary Cathlolic Church
St. Mary of Redford Parish
St. Mary's Catholic Church
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Matthew Catholic Church
St. Matthias Episcopal
St. Patrick Catholic Church
St. Patrick Senior Center
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church
St. Paul's German Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
St. Regis Hotel
St. Rita Apartments
Stroh's Brewery
Sts. Peter and Paul Jesuit Church
Sts. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
Summerfield & Hecht
Sweetest Heart of Mary Church
Szent Janos Gör. Kath. Magyar Templom
Telenews Theater
Temple of the Maccabees
The Ashley
The Belle
The Carlton
The Kahn
Theodore Hodges House (2210 Burns)
Theodore J. Levin U.S. Courthouse
The Players
The Plaza
The Qube
The Scarab Club
The Van Dyke Apartment
The Whitney
Thomas E. Currie House (1709 Burns)
Thomas J. Anketell House (1745 Iroquois)
Thompson Home
Thunderbird Motel
Thurman YWCA Branch
Tiger Stadium
Traub Jewelry Building
Traver Building
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trumbull Avenue Presbyterian Church
Tuller Hotel
Ulysses S. Grant house
Union Depot
Union Trust Co. Building
United Artists Theatre
United Foundation Building
United Savings Bank Building
University Club
University of Detroit Engineering Building
University of Detroit Mercy Memorial Tower
U.S. Mortgage Bond Building
Valpey Building
Van Dusen Home
Van Dyke Manor
Vanity Ballroom
Van Zile Elementary
Vernors Bottling Plant
Veterans Memorial Building
Victoria Apartments
Vinton Building
Von Steuben Elementary School
Walker-Roehrig Building
Walter Brooks House (1091 Burns)
Walter H. Jennings House (2455 Iroquois)
Walter J. Hiller House (3400 Burns)
Walter O. Briggs House
Walter Oxtoby House (1488 Burns)
Walter S. Russel House (1075 Burns)
Walter Watton House
Warren S. Booth House (2950 Iroquois)
Washington Boulevard Building
Water Board Building
Water Works Park Tower
Wayland D. Stearns House (1039 Seminole)
Wayne County & Home Savings Bank
Wayne County Morgue
Wayne Hotel
Wells W. Leggett House
Wendell G. Wilcox House (2115 Iroquois)
Western States
White House
Whitmore Plaza Apartments
Whittier Hotel
Wilkins Elementary
Willard Pardridge House (144 East Boston Boulevard)
William A. C. Miller House (1720 Iroquois)
William A. Fisher House
William A. Fisher Mansion
William A. Pungs House
William A. Waldron House (1001 Seminole)
William B. Conley House
William B. Lowe House (1818 Iroquois)
William Cotter Maybury Monument
William Currie House (1431 Seminole)
William E. Moss House (1481 Seminole)
William G. Breitmeyer House (2535 Seminole)
William G. Smith House (1109 Iroquois)
William G. Smith House (2188 Seminole)
William G. Thomas House (1127 Seminole)
William H. Kessler House
William H. Kirn House (74 Arden Park Boulevard)
William Jackson House
William J. Gray Jr. House (1723 Iroquois)
William J. Ross House (360 East Boston Boulevard)
William J. Schechter House (1812 Burns)
William L. Barclay House (235 East Ferry Avenue)
William Lennane House (5461 Brush)
William Livingstone Memorial Light
William R. Kales House (1730 Burns)
Williams Brothers Co.
William S. Connant House (790 Seminole)
Williams C. Rands House
William St. John House (3453 Burns)
William Wallace Washburn House
Wilshire Apartments
WJBK-TV Studios Building
W.K. Muir Memorial Fountain
Wolverine Hotel
Women's City Club
Wonderland and Temple Theatre
Woodmere Cemetery Superintendent's Office
Woodward Avenue Baptist Church
Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church
Woodward Building
Wright-Kay Building
Wurlitzer Building
YMCA (Downtown Branch)
YMCA (Fisher Branch)
YMCA Western Branch
Yorba Hotel
Young Woman's Home
YWCA Central Branch
YWCA (first)