Historic Detroit

Every building in Detroit has a story — we're here to share it

Austin E. Morey House

Designed by Louis Kamper for Austin E. Morey of Postal & Morey, proprietors of the Griswold House.

Building permits were taken out in July 1903, and the house was finished in 1904.

Building specs were outlined in an article from the Aug. 1, 1903, issue of the Detroit Free Press:

"The construction will be of white brick with stone trimmings. The roof will be slate. The building will be finished in the choicest hard woods and white enamel. The reception hall and porches will he floored with mosaic tile and finished in quarter sawed white oak. The dining room will be finished in mahogany. The parlor and music room will be finished in white and gold enamel. The entire second story will be given an interior finish of white enamel. The bathroom will be finished in cypress and the den in elm."

Kamper also designed a two-story barn in the same year, which comprised of three stalls with carriage, wash and harness rooms. That building now features 1,800 square feet of living space over a five-car garage.

Lillian Beebe Moray, the last Morey family resident in the house, died June 30, 1949.

The estate was sold to a new owner in September 2023 for $1.04 million.

Last updated 01/04/2024