Historic Detroit
Every building in Detroit has a story — we're here to share it
Postcards of Buildings
All subjects
35W Capitol Park Apartments
7300 Woodward
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Albert Kahn Building
Alexander Blain Hospital
Alhambra Apartments
American Legion Hall
American Legion Hall
American Legion Hall and Masonic (old) Temple
American Legion Hall and Masonic (old) Temple
Arcadia Ballroom
Arcadia Ballroom
Arts Building
Aviation Town and Country Club Building
Banner Cigar Manufacturing Co.
Belle Isle Police Station
Biddle House
Board of Commerce Building/Cass Theatre
Bonstelle Theatre
Bonstelle Theatre
Book-Cadillac Hotel
Book Tower
Book Tower (81-story addition)
Bowles Building
Bowles Building
Bowles Building
Bowles Building
Breitmeyer-Tobin Building
Broderick Tower
Broderick Tower and Madison Theatre
Broderick Tower and Madison Theatre
Brodhead Naval Armory
Brunswick Hotel
Brunswick Hotel
Brunswick Hotel
Brunswick Hotel
Buhl Building
Buhl Building
Buhl Building
Burns Hotel
Burns Hotel
Burns Hotel
Cadillac Hotel
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Place
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Apartments
Cadillac Square Building
Cadillac Tower
Cass Tech High School
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Chalmers Motor Co.
Charlevoix Hotel
Children's Free Hospital
Children's Free Hospital
Children's Free Hospital
Cobo Arena
Cobo Arena
Cobo Arena
Cobo Arena and Huntington Place
COGIC Brooks Cathedral Center
Coleman A. Young International Airport
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
COTS Peterboro
Crowley's Department Store
Dakota Inn Rathskeller
David Stott Building
David Stott Building
David Stott Building and Capitol Park
David Stott Building and Detroit Savings Bank Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
David Whitney Building
D&C dock and Wayne Hotel
Deaconess Hospital
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Boat Club
Detroit Club
Detroit Conservatory of Music
Detroiter Hotel
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Museum of Art
Detroit Museum of Art
Detroit Museum of Art
Detroit Opera House and Merrill Fountain
Detroit Opera House (first)
Detroit Opera House (second)
Detroit Opera House (second)
Detroit Opera House (second) and Merrill Fountain
Detroit Opera House (second) and Merrill Fountain
Detroit Police Headquarters
Detroit Police Headquarters (old)
Detroit Police Headquarters (old)
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Public Library (old)
Detroit Savings Bank Building
Detroit Towers
Detroit Trust Co. Building
Dime Building
Dime Building
Dime Building
Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Eddystone and Park Avenue hotels
Edelweiss Cafe
Edelweiss Cafe
Emil Huck's Inn
Empire Building
Empire Building
Eureka Building
Fairbairn Hotel
Fairfax Hotel
Farwell Building
Farwell Building
Father Dowling Hall
Father Dowling Hall
Father Dowling Hall
Federal Building
Federal Building
Federal Building
Federal Building
Federal Building and Recreation Building
Ferguson Tractor Co.
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
First National Building
Fisher Building
Fisher Building
Fisher Building
Fisher Building
Fisher Building
Fisher Building
Ford Auditorium
Ford Auditorium
Ford Building
Ford Building
Forest Arms
Fort Shelby Hotel
Fort Shelby Hotel
Fort Street Congregational Church
Fox Theatre
Fox Washington Theatre
Fox Washington Theatre
Frederic B. Stevens Inc. - Office and warehouse
Free Press Building
Fyfe Apartments
George W. Young Post Office
Gleaners Temple
Gleaners Temple
Gordon-Pagel Bakery
Gotham Hotel
Grace Hospital
Grace Hospital
Grace Hospital
Grace Hospital
Grace Hospital
Grand Army of the Republic Building
Grand Army of the Republic Building
Grand Riviera Theatre
Greenfield Avenue Church of God
Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co. Building
Greyhound Terminal (first)
Greyhound Terminal (first)
Greyhound Terminal (first)
Greyhound Terminal (first)
Greyhound Terminal (first)
Greyhound Terminal (second)
Grinnell Brothers Music House
Griswold Hotel
Griswold Hotel
Griswold Hotel
Guardian Building
Guardian Building and Hotel Norton
Hammond and Union Trust Co. buildings
Hammond Building
Harmonie Club
Harmonie Club
Harmonie Club
Harper Hospital
Harper Hospital
Harper Hospital
Harper Hospital and Nurses Home
Harper Hospital (old)
Helen L. DeRoy Auditorium
Helen L. DeRoy Auditorium
Henry Ford Hospital
Hilberry Theatre
Hilberry Theatre
Hilberry Theatre
Himelhoch's Building
Himelhoch's Building
Holy Redeemer Parish
Home Savings Bank
Horace H. Rackham Educational Memorial Building
Horace H. Rackham Educational Memorial Building
Horace H. Rackham Educational Memorial Building
Hotel Detroiter
Hotel Fort Wayne
Hotel Fort Wayne and the Masonic Temple
Hotel Gotham
Hotel Normandie
Hotel Norton
Hotel Norton (old)
Hotel Pontchartrain
Hotel Pontchartrain
Hotel Pontchartrain
Hotel Pontchartrain
Hotel Pontchartrain
Hotel Pontchartrain
Hotel Pontchartrain
Hotel Pontchartrain and Old Wayne County Building
Hotel Pontchartrain and Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Hotel Savarine
Hotel Ste. Claire
House of Providence
Howard Flint Ink Co.
Hudson Hotel
Hudson Motor Co.
Hudson's Department Store
Hudson's Department Store
Hudson's Department Store
Hudson's Department Store
Hudson's Department Store
Hudson's Department Store
Hudson's Department Store - Flag
Hudson's Department Store - Flag
Hudson's Department Store - Never-built design
Huntington Place
Huntington Place
Huntington Place
Huntington Place
Huntington Place
Huntington Place
Hutzel Hospital
International Exposition Building
Kales Building
Kresge Administration Building
Kresge Administration Building
Lafayette Building
Lafayette Building
Lee, Cady & Smart Building
Lee, Cady & Smart Building
Lee Plaza
Lee Plaza
Light Guard Armory
Light Guard Armory
Light Infantry Armory
Lincoln Motor Co.
Lincoln Motor Co.
Lincoln Motor Co.
Lincoln Motor Co.
Lofts at Rivertown
Log Cabin at Palmer Park
Louis Kamper Building
Maccabees Building
Maccabees Building
Maccabees Building
Maccabees Building
Maccabees Building
Maccabees Building
Mackenzie Hall
Mackenzie Hall
Mackenzie Hall
Madison-Lenox Hotel
Madison-Lenox Hotel
Madison-Lenox Hotel
Majestic Building
Majestic Building
Majestic Building
Majestic Building
Majestic Building
Majestic Hotel
Majestic Hotel
Malcomson Building
Marygrove College Liberal Arts Building
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple and Hotel Fort Wayne
Masonic Temple and Hotel Fort Wayne
Masonic Temple and Hotel Fort Wayne
Masonic Temple and Hotel Fort Wayne
Masonic Temple and Hotel Fort Wayne
Masonic Temple and Hotel Fort Wayne
Masonic Temple - Auditorium
Masonic Temple - Main entrance
Masonic Temple (old)
Masonic Temple (old)
Masonic Temple (old)
Masonic Temple (old)
Masonic Temple (old)
Masonic Temple (old)
Masonic Temple (with never-built addition)
Masonic Temple (with never-built addition)
McGregor Memorial Conference Center
McGregor Public Library
Michigan Central Railroad Depot
Michigan Central Railroad Depot
Michigan Central Railroad Depot
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
MIchigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station and Detroit River Tunnel
Michigan Theatre
Michigan Theatre
Michigan Theatre
Miles Theatre
Mt. Royal Hotel
Municipal Court Building
NABISCO factory
Newcomb-Endicott Department Store
Nick's Gaslight
Normandie Hotel
Normandie Hotel
North Woodward Methodist Episcopal Church
North Woodward Methodist Episcopal Church
Norton Hotel
Norton Hotel (first)
O.B. Hart Co.
Old City Hall
Old City Hall
Old City Hall
Old City Hall
Old City Hall
Old City Hall
Old City Hall and Dime Building
Old City Hall and Hammond Building
Old City Hall, Hotel Pontchartrain and Hammond Building
Old Main
Old Main
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
Old Wayne County Building
One Woodward Avenue
Orchestra Hall
Orchestra Place Apartments
Oriental Hotel
Otto Schemansky & Sons
Our Lady of Sorrows
Owen Building
Packard Plant
Packard Plant
Packard Plant
Packard Plant
Packard Plant
Packard Plant
Park Avenue Hotel
Park Avenue Hotel
Parke Davis (River Place)
Parke Davis (River Place)
Parke Davis (River Place)
Park Shelton
Park Shelton
Park Shelton
Park Shelton
Park Shelton
Park Shelton
Pasadena Apartments
Penobscot Building
Penobscot Building
Penobscot Building (first)
Penobscot Building (never built design)
Penobscot Building (second)
Penobscot buildings (first and second)
People's Outfitting Co.
Plaza Apartments
Plaza Apartments
Pontchartrain Hotel
Pontchartrain Hotel
Pontchartrain Hotel
Providence Hospital
Providence Hospital
Recreation Building
River Place
River Place
River Place
R.L. Polk Co. Building
Russell House and Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Sacred Heart Seminary
Sacred Heart Seminary
Sacred Heart Seminary
Sacred Heart Seminary
Sacred Heart Seminary
Salvation Army Citadel
Seward Hotel
Seward Hotel
Shubert-Lafayette Theatre
Shubert-Lafayette Theatre
Shubert-Lafayette Theatre
Smith's Restaurant
Standard Accident Insurance Co. Building
State Savings Bank
State Savings Bank
State Savings Bank
State Savings Bank and Penobscot Building (first)
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel - The Grill
Ste. Anne Parish
Ste. Anne Parish
Ste. Claire Hotel
Ste. Claire Hotel
St. Elizabeth Parish
St. Elizabeth Parish
St. Francis D'Assisi Catholic Church
St. John Cantius Catholic Church
St. Joseph Oratory
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital
Stroh's Brewery
Sts. Peter & Paul Jesuit Church and Father Dowling Hall
St. Vincent's School
Sweetest Heart of Mary
Sweetest Heart of Mary
Temple of the Maccabees
The Ashley
The Carlton
The Carlton and Clifford Hotel
Theodore J. Levin U.S. Courthouse
Theodore J. Levin U.S. Courthouse
The Plaza
The Whitney
Thompson Home
Tiger Stadium
Tiger Stadium
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuller Hotel
Tuttle & Clark
Union Depot
Union Depot
Union Depot
Union Depot
Union Depot
Union Depot
Union Depot - Lunch room
Union Trust Co. Building
Union Trust Co. Building
Union Trust Co. Building
United Artists Theatre Building
Vernors Bottling Plant
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Veterans Memorial Building
Walker-Roehrig Building
Washington Boulevard Building
Water Board Building
Water Works Park Tower
Water Works Park Tower
Water Works Park Tower
Water Works Park Tower
Water Works Park Tower
Water Works Park Tower
Water Works Park Tower
Water Works Park Tower
Wayne County & Home Savings Bank
Wayne County & Home Savings Bank
Wayne County & Home Savings Bank
Wayne Hotel
Wayne Hotel
Wayne Hotel
Wayne Hotel
Wayne Hotel Mineral Baths
Wayne Hotel - Pavilion
Wayne Hotel - Pavilion and Bath House and D&C docks
Wayne Hotel - Pavilion and steamer Pleasure
Whittier Hotel
Whittier Hotel
Whittier Hotel
Whittier Hotel
Wolverine Hotel
Wolverine Hotel
Wolverine Hotel
Wolverine Hotel
Wolverine Hotel
Wolverine Hotel
Wolverine Hotel
Women's City Club
Wonderland and Temple Theatre
Woodmere Cemetery - Superintendent's Office
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
YMCA (Downtown branch)
Young Woman's Home
Y.W.C.A. Central Branch
Y.W.C.A. Central Branch
Y.W.C.A. Central Branch
Y.W.C.A. (first)
Y.W.C.A. (first)
Y.W.C.A. (first)
Y.W.C.A. (first)
YWCA (first)