National Theatre - Old photos
National Theatre

The National Theater in the early 1920s

The original entry

The National Theatre with its large sign on top.

The entrance of the National in its Palace Theater days.

The beautiful facade of the National.

Detail of one of the towers.

One of the towers

Detail of the entrance.

The National in its days as the Palace Theater.

The National in its days as the Palace Theater.

The small inner lobby area

The National Theatre in 1979.

The National in its days as the Palace Theater.

The National Theatre with the since-demolished Monroe Block.

The National Theatre was still showing burlesque in 1964.

The boarded up National in the 1970s.

The National Theatre was still showing burlesque in 1964.

A colorized photo of the National Theatre and the Monroe Block in their glory days.

The National in the early years.

The National Theatre can be seen in the middle of this photo from 1922. It has a giant clown sign atop it.

The National Theatre in all its illuminated glory shortly after opening.

The National, far left, and the Monroe Block in 1988.

The National in 1988