Columbia - Old photos

The Columbia at night on the Detroit River in 1940.

The Columbia in 1978

The Columbia at dock at Boblo in 1942

The Columbia, as seen from her sister ship, the Ste. Claire.

The Columbia is launched on May 10, 1902

The sisters pass each other on the Boblo run under the Ambassador Bridge in 1961.

The Columbia in 1978

The SS Columbia in 1974 at her dock at the foot of Woodward

The Columbia about 1920

The SS Columbia, ready for launch on May 10, 1902, in Wyandotte, Mich.

Columbia loaded with passengers off for Bois Blanc Island in 1903.

Columbia docks at Bob-Lo in 1903

Columbia at the shipyard on May 10, 1902

Columbia in the early 1900s

Columbia plying the Detroit River in the 1900s

Columbia in the early 1900s

Columbia on the ways on May 10, 1902.

Columbia on the ways on May 10, 1902.

The Columbia at dock in downtown Detroit

Columbia alongside the steamer North American in the 1950s.

The Columbia under way

Columbia hauling a load of excited amusement park-goers to Boblo Island.