City of Detroit III - Old photos
City of Detroit III

The president's state room on the City of Detroit III. Note the D&C monogrammed linens.

This mural in the City of Detroit III's Grand Salon hints at the beauty of this floating hotel.

The City of Detroit III's "sponsor" at its christianing

The majestic stairway of the Grand Salon on the City of Detroit III

The City of Detroit III under way

The City of Detroit III's pilothouse and billowing smokestack

The City of Detroit III's Palm Court

The City of Detroit III's Palm Court

This mural in the City of Detroit III's Grand Salon hints at the beauty of this floating hotel.

The City of Detroit III's launch drew quite a crowd - and a party.

The City of Detroit III's launch drew quite a crowd - and a party.

The City of Detroit III's launch drew quite a crowd - and a party.

This stained glass window, featuring La Salle, was in the City of Detroit III's Gothic Room. Today, it is at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle.

The hurricane deck on the City of Detroit III

The City of Detroit III's Grand Salon hints at the beauty of this floating hotel.

The Grand Salon, looking aft, on the City of Detroit III

The Grand Salon, looking forward, on the City of Detroit III

The City of Detroit III's Gothic Room was the ship's smoking lounge. Part of it was saved and installed at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle.

The City of Detroit III's Gothic Room was the ship's smoking lounge. Part of it was saved and installed at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle.

The City of Detroit III's forward gallery

The dome on the City of Detroit III's hurricane deck

The ceiling of the Grand Salon of the City of Detroit III

The City of Detroit III being built on Dec. 18, 1911.

The City of Detroit III under construction

The City of Detroit III under construction

The bar in the D-III featured Pewabic tile and a wine cellar vibe.

The smoke-belching D-III

The City of Detroit III and the Western States

The City of Detroit III at dock in this rare Kodachrome

A passenger stands next to one of the City of Detroit III's lifeboats in this undated family photo

The City of Detroit III