City of Detroit II - Old photos
City of Detroit II

The stern of the City of Detroit II

View of passengers on the steamship City of Detroit II during the 1912 semi-annual meeting of the S.A.E. Participants traveled from Detroit to Mackinac Island.

View of passengers on the steamship City of Detroit II during the 1912 semi-annual meeting of the S.A.E. Participants traveled from Detroit to Mackinac Island.

View of passengers on the steamer City of Detroit II during the 1912 semi-annual meeting of the S.A.E. Participants traveled from Detroit to Mackinac Island.

View of passengers on the steamer City of Detroit II during the 1912 semi-annual meeting of the S.A.E. Participants traveled from Detroit to Mackinac Island.

A passenger flies a kite on the City of Detroit II on the S.A.E. cruise from Detroit to Mackinac Island in 1912.

View of passengers on the steamer City of Detroit II during the 1912 semi-annual meeting of the S.A.E. Participants traveled from Detroit to Mackinac Island.

View of passengers in front of the pilothouse on the steamer City of Detroit II during the 1912 semi-annual meeting of the S.A.E. Participants traveled from Detroit to Mackinac Island.