Book Tower and Building - Opening Ceremony
Book Tower and Book Building

Detroit's long-vacant Book Tower officially reopened on June 8, 2023 with upscale apartments, hotel rooms and retail space. Image shows ceremony preparations still ongoing.

Security team prep.

Bedrock CEO Kofi Bonner watching ceremony preparations from above.

Only a few minutes away from the ribbon cutting

Dan Gilbert was the opening speaker at the outdoor ribbon-cutting event. “Today’s event is about so much more than a ribbon-cutting," Gilbert said. "It’s about breathing new life into one of Detroit's most visible and historic landmarks, one that had been left neglected for far too long."

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan recalled how it was only two decades ago that empty yet illustrious downtown buildings were still being demolished, "and everybody assumed that the Book Building would go next, and the David Stott building would go, that these old icons of Detroit were all doomed for the wrecking ball. "What changed the direction of this city was Dan Gilbert, who saw opportunity and hope where everybody else saw blight."

Whitmer also applauded Gilbert for inspiring others to save and redevelop buildings in Detroit. “This magnificent 38-floor Detroit landmark has a new lease on life thanks to Bedrock real estate and all the hardworking women and men who installed plumbing, connected wires and breathed new life into every square foot of this beautiful building,"

Randall Book, a grandson of Frank Book, one of the original co-developers, recalled how his grandfather once kept his office on the top floor of the tower, back when it was an office building. “The first thing I’d like to say is how grateful I am for Dan and his vision to make this a reality," he said. "I never thought during my lifetime that I would see this."

Kofi Bonner, CEO of Bedrock LLC. "The inclusion of the Book Tower as one of the 11 Most Beautiful Repurposed buildings in the world by Architectural Digest is a testament to the project’s global impact"

On stage: Councilmember Coleman A. Young II, Mayor Mike Duggan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Randall Book, and Kofi Bonner, CEO of Bedrock LLC

Randy Book cutting through the ribbon

A distinguished crowd gathered on Washington Boulevard to witness the long-awaited official reveal of the renovated Book Tower.

A distinguished crowd gathered on Washington Boulevard to witness the long-awaited official reveal of the renovated Book Tower.

People mingle inside the Book Tower building during its ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, June 8, 2023

Jazzy entertainment was provided by these young musicians