Basso Building - Old photos
Basso Building

The Basso Building in September 1986

The northeast corner of the Basso, seventh floor, looking north in September 1986

The Basso Building, center, in September 1986

The northwest corner of the seventh floor of the Basso Building in September 1986

The Basso Building in September 1986

The rear facade of the Basso Building in September 1986

The rear facade of the Basso Building in September 1986

The rear facade of the Basso in September 1986

Detail of the second floor terra cotta of the Basso

A detail of the ornate terra cotta and cornice of the Basso in September 1986, showing how the building's exterior was in excellent shape just ahead of its demolition.

Terra cotta detail of the seventh floor of the Basso

Detail of the Basso Building's dentil work and cornice

Floral medallion on the seventh floor of the Basso

Shield detail on the northwest corner of the Basso

Seventh floor hallway corridor, looking southeast

Seventh floor of the Basso, looking northwest

The Basso Building can be seen at left in 1925. The building on the right is now known as 7300 Woodward, though its exterior was removed and modernized in the 1950s.

The Basso Building as it was originally built, a two-story structure.